Hero Curve

Toffee-dipped fruit-jubes


A fun party snack that’ll add a touch of nostalgia to your treat table.

Toffee Dipped Fruit Jubes


  • 20 fruit jubes
  • 1 cup (250ml) castor sugar
  • Method

    1. Insert a toothpick into each fruit jube and place on a heatproof tray lined with foil or baking paper. Set aside.
    2. Place castor sugar and ½ cup (125ml) water in a heavy-based saucepan over low heat.
    3. Simmer uncovered, stirring occasionally, until sugar has dissolved.
    4. Increase heat until boiling, then reduce heat and simmer for about 8 minutes or until toffee turns golden. Be sure not to stir during this step or crystals will form. Remove the pan from heat.
    5. Dip jubes in toffee to coat and place on prepared tray to set.
    6. Serve.

    What you need

    Maynards Fruit Jubes 100g
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